Jiri Hledik
Klasse Classic
WM-Wertung U60
Alter 59
Ort Dobra Voda u Ceskych Budejovic
Nationalität Tschechische Republik
Verein Czech Ultracycling Team
Ergebnisse www.glocknermanlive.at
Tschechische Republik


Bisherige Glocknerman-Teilnahmen: 2
Größe (cm): 184
Gewicht (kg): 76
Trainingskilometer/Jahr: 10000
Fahrrad: Rubacuori Quatro, Rozzo

Bisherige Erfolge
Glocknerma classic 2008: solo, 2nd place in 50+category
Race Around the Central Europe 2009: solo, 1st place in category 50+, RAAM qualified
Race Around the Central Europe 2010: solo, 1st place in category 50+, RAAM qualified
DOS RAS EXTREME 2011: solo, 6th place in category 50+
EXTREME Race Around Austria 2011: solo, 15th place total (no categories), RAAM qualified
RAAM 2012: solo, DNF on TS 16 Pagosa Springs (1469 km / 913 mil)
Glocknerman classic 2013: solo, 2nd place in 50+category
1500 Race Around Austria 2013: solo, 2nd place, RAAM qualified
DOS RAS EXTREME 2014: 11th place in two person team
Race Around Ireland 2014: solo, DNF on TS15 Mizen Head (1502 km)

Wie bist du zum Extremradfahren gekommen?
I founded the Czech Ultracycling Team in 2007 and then I started with ultracycling activities when I was 50. It was good challenge for my body and mind.

Was waren deine schönsten und schwersten Raderlebnisse?
The most beautiful bike experience for me was Race Around Ireland 2014.
The most hardest bike experience for me was Race Across America 2012.

Beim Glocknerman schafft es immer ein großer Teil der Teilnehmer nicht bis ins Ziel. Warum bist du überzeugt, dass du zu den Finishern gehörst?
I reached my goal on Glocknerman classic two times (2008 2nd place, 2013 2nd place). I will try to reach 1st place, off course. But not this year in 50+ category because there are a lot of great racers! Perhaps I will try next year in 60+ category.

Wie motivierst du dich für eine Herausforderung wie den Glocknerman?
It’s easy - because cycling is my dream and a good chance to be still positive and healthy.

Unterstützung im Sport erhalte ich von?
First of all sport and creative work is my style of life. It’s important to harmonized both.
Secondly my team (Czech Ultracycling Team), my family and my sponsors are important too.

Wie bereitest du dich auf den Glocknerman vor?
How my work enables me to train. Mainly it must be joy for me.

Wie schaffst du es extreme Belastungen durchzustehen?
It’s important to be always positive, to be strong and feel the sense WHAT and WHY I am doing.

Wie lautet dein Motto?
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

Jiri Hledik - Glocknerman Classic 2017