Ophel David (DNS)
Klasse Classic
WM-Wertung U70
Alter 60
Ort Summit
Nationalität Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


Bisherige Glocknerman-Teilnahmen: 0
Größe (cm): 177
Gewicht (kg): 71
Trainingskilometer/Jahr: 11000
Fahrrad: trek

Bisherige Erfolge
Race across America 2 man 2010
Race across west solo 2011
Race across Alps solo 2012
Race around Slovenia 2 man 2013
Race round Slovenia solo 2015

Wie bist du zum Extremradfahren gekommen?
I completed my first Ironman in 2009 but discovered I loved long distance biking much more than the other disciplines

Was waren deine schönsten und schwersten Raderlebnisse?
Race across the Alps was through the most beautiful scenery but RAAM , even though it was a 2 man event, was by far the most challenging event both physically and mentally.

Beim Glocknerman schafft es immer ein großer Teil der Teilnehmer nicht bis ins Ziel. Warum bist du überzeugt, dass du zu den Finishern gehörst?
My previous long distance experience and my support team which is very experienced in these events give me an excellent chance to finish

Wie motivierst du dich für eine Herausforderung wie den Glocknerman?
I set a goal to complete and invest the time required. That is the only motivation I require.

Unterstützung im Sport erhalte ich von?
My support team,Team Summit, has supported me in all my events, they will support me this year and I know I can depend on their hard work and judgement.

Wie bereitest du dich auf den Glocknerman vor?
I will begin training in February in Australia and will train in North America in March-June. I am retired so I will dedicate most of my time in these months to training for this event

Wie schaffst du es extreme Belastungen durchzustehen?
I put in many miles of solo training and this gives me the mental strength to complete.

Wie lautet dein Motto?
Road don't lie

Ophel David - Glocknerman Classic 2018