Dominique Briand
Race Division Classic
World championship discipline U70
Age 61
Town Feyzin
Citizenship France
Club Team France Cycling Ultra Distance


Previous Glocknerman-participations: 1
Size (cm): 171
Weight (kg): 63
Training kilometers/ year: 20 000
Bicycle: Look 695

Previous achievements
My 2nd place at the RATA in 2004
My 1st place in my category 50-60 at the RAAM in 2009

How did you get into cycling and what fascinates you?
When I have discovered Paris-Brest-Paris in 1995

What fascinates you in extreme cycling?
The adventure

I get supported in sports from?
I don't understand this question

How do you manage to endure extreme stress?
With a strong mental

What does the Glocknerman mean for you?
It's a very hard race and finish this race it's a great challenge

What is your goal for 2016?
to win my category 60-70 years

Dominique Briand - Glocknerman Classic 2016