Stefano Volpato
Klasse Sprint
Alter 24
Ort campodarsego
Nationalität Italien
Verein ASD Piazzola Cycling


Bisherige Glocknerman-Teilnahmen: 0
Größe (cm): 175
Gewicht (kg): 65
Trainingskilometer/Jahr: 7000
Fahrrad: Wilier gtr team 2018

Bisherige Erfolge
finisher "tour dell' ortles 2017"
finisher Sportful Dolomiti Race 2016 2017

Wie bist du zum Radfahren gekommen und was fasziniert dich dabei?
I started cycling because as a child I loved riding a bike, then at 14 a friend of mine made me try running with a road bike and from there a deep love for cycling was born, it fascinates me because it's a fatigue sport that can give you unique emotions

Warum hast du dich für den Glocknerman SPRINT entschieden?
I chose the gloknerman sprint because I am very curious to do an ultracycling race so for my little experience this is the ideal route

Wie bereitest du dich auf den Glocknerman vor?
for the glocknerman I'm getting ready doing specific workouts on the length, distance, resistance and many randonnee from 300 kilometers and over

Unterstützung im Sport erhalte ich von?
I am supported in cycling by many of my friends, many of my teammates and especially by my parents, whom I thank for the patience they have for me

Wie schaffst du es extreme Belastungen durchzustehen?
humming or thinking that I'm doing something I like or even looking at the view

Wie motivierst du dich für eine Herausforderung wie den Glocknerman?
I'm motivated because I've been training for this event for a long time and because I share it with 2 of my very important friends for me

Meine Stärken im Radsport sind...
the desire to raise more and more the bar of the challenge against myself

Wie lautet dein Motto?
My motto has always been going strong like a motorcycle

Stefano Volpato - Glocknerman Sprint 2018